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Neurologic Disorders in Dogs & Cats
Review of Clinical Neuroanatomy
Basic review of functional neuroanatomy which helps to understand clinical neurology.The Neurologic Examination
The neurologic examination is how to evaluate patients with neurological disease via testing reflexes and observing behavior and reactions.Taking A Neurologic History
The neurolgoic history helps identify important clues into the potential causes and location of the disease.Neurologic Lesion Localization
The purpose of the neurologic examination and history is to localize the lesion, since then the differential diagnosis can be made.Diagnostic Aids in Neurologic Evaluation
Once the lesion has been localized and the differential diagnosis obtained, then certain diagnostic tests can help determine the true diagnosis which leads to prognosis and treatment.Degenerative Myelopathy of German Shepherd Dogs
Degenerative Myelopathy of the German Shepherd Dog appears to be an immune-related chronic progressive spinal cord disease with many similarities to Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis in human beings. This represents the history and progress that has been made in GSDM research.Clinical Signs of GSDM
Sometime a video is worth a thousand pictures. These are clinical signs in dogs with mild moderate and severe GSDM. These signs are not specific and diagnostic tests are needed to confirm the actual cause in dogs suspected of having GSDM. (real player video file- -need fast access such as DSL, cable or T1 or greater connection)Statement on Lipid Statins and GSDM
The role of statins in treating neurodegenerative diseases and possibly GSDM is discussed, but the results do not support their use at this time.Information about the DM Flash Test
The DM Flash test is currently unavailable, but the information is here to provide a discussion of genetic considerations in GSDM.Seizure Disorders in Dogs & Cats
Seizures are common in small animals. Their clinical characteristics, diagnosis and treatment are discussed.Vestibular Disease
A heat tilt is one of the cardinal signs of vestibular disease. The location and clincial syndromes that are seen in dogs and cats are discussed.Paresis & Paralysis of All Four Legs
Ataxia of all four legs can be caused by cervical spinal cord disease or diffuse motor units disease.Hind Leg Paresis and Paralysis
Posterior paresis from intervertibral disease is one of the common causes of neurolgic disease in dogs. Learn about this and other causes of lower spinal cord dysfunction.Peripheral Nerve Disorders
Peripheral nerve injuries are not common, but when they occur can require diagnostics and interventions to help them improve.Diffuse Lower Motor Neuron & Muscle Disorders in Dogs & Cats
Diffuse motor unit disease and muscle diseases cause weakness and ataxia in all four legs, although primary muscle diseases usually do not affect spinal reflexes like motor unit disease does.