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Westlab Pharmacy

Westlab Pharmacy
4401 W Newberry Rd #A5
Gainesville, FL 32607-2290
Canine Vitamin Advisor

Welcome to our canine vitamin advisor. This advisor is intended to provide individualized suggestions of vitamin and herb supplements for generally healthy dogs. For information on more specific medical problems visit Dr. Clemmons' website on integrative veterinary medicine.
There will be a series of questions on the following pages followed by a list of suggested dietary supplements. Please choose the answer that most closely describes your pet.
Please remember to discuss any supplementation of your pets with your veterinarian.
Individualized Nutrition via Specific Building Blocks:
These products produced for pets at the behest of Dr. Clemmons by Westlab Pharmacy are based upon a unique concept in that they provide individualuzed nutrition by adding nutritional building blocks based upon specific nutritional needs. None of the formulas overlap and any mixing of ingredients is to provide a more specific individualized dose rather than to unintentionally overlap the nutritional ingredients. Each formula is balanced and complete for it's intended purpose. When combined with the additional formulas, the total mixture supports total health. All ingredients are pharmaceutical grade and have guaranteed analysis.
While all animals require a certain level of enhanced nutrition (based upon accepted Integrative Veterinary Medicine practices), these requirements change based upon environmental conditions, the age of the animal, the gender of the animal, and it's size. Due to these continually changing conditions, preventative vitamin needs also change over time. That is the basis of the recomendations here in the Canine Vitamin Advisor. Each formula is balanced and complete and when added to the additional formula recommendations, provides for comprehensive individualized nutrition.
Westlab Canine Formulas:
- Canine Antioxidant Formula
- Canine Bone & Joint Formula
- Canine Cancer Support Formula
- Canine Detoxification Formula
- Energy Formula for Male Dogs
- Female Dog Formula
- Canine Geriatric Formula
- Canine Heart Formula
- Canine Muscle Formula
- Canine Cancer 2X Formula (treatment)
- Canine Prostate Formula
- Canine Urinary Tract Formula
Check out other Westlab Formulas
(most available for cats, too!)Legal Disclaimer
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. These products should be used only under the supervision of a licensed veterinarian and are available by prescription only. In fact, the Dietary Supplement Health And Education Act of 1994 did not include animals in the Act. As such, supplements are still regulated by the FDA. This is why has always provided it's formulas to Westlab Pharmacy who can produce them by prescription from any licensed veterinarian.