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Westlab Pharmacy
4401 W Newberry Rd #A5
Gainesville, FL 32607-2290
Talk from the Doc is a website committed to providing practical information about various aspects of Integrative Veterinary Medicine. It is focused primarily upon educational information about neurologic diseases of dogs and catsand upon integrative medical recommendations for these diseases (as well as other problems in veterinary medicine). This information should only be used as a guide to caring for veterinary patients and is not intended to diagnose or treat patients. The contents can be shared with your veterinary team to provide optimal veterinary care. It is optimized for 1024X768 screen resolution.
The website is broken into specific information for clients, students and practitioners of veterinary medicine dealing with neurologic diseases, integrative medicine (including traditional Chinese veterinary medicine, acupuncture, TCVM herbals and TCVM dietary therapy), and a canine vitamin advisor to assist in nutritional support for canine pets.
The information in this website may be distributed appropriately for non-commercial, educational purposes. Otherwise all rights are reserved..
Site Resouces
- Neurologic Disorders
Learn more about veterinary neurology- -the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the nervous system in animals. - Integrative Veterinary Medicine
Learn more about integrative veterinary medicine- -complementary medical treatments for conditions in dogs in cats including traditional Chiniese veterinary medicine, acupuncture, diet and herbs. - Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine
Learn more about traditional Chiniese veterinary medicine: acupuncture, herbs and food therapy. - Canine Vitamin Advisor
Advice on vitamin products which can help maintain your dog's health. These products are exclusively available from Westlab Pharmacy 1-800-4WESTLA.